Business and Professional Advisory Services


Starting a new business or business relationship can be daunting. Converting a good idea into a profitable business has many aspects, many of them legal. Too often, new ventures started by smart people stumble over legal obstacles they encounter on the road to successfully launching a business. Frequently, they decide not to seek legal help which they could inexpensively obtain. Stu Bassin has helped many individuals and small businesses get started on the right foo with a relatively inexpensive consultation.
Some examples of work he has performed for individuals and small businesses include

  • Organizing an LLC and completing required IRS forms
  • Helping new employees understand and negotiate the legal documents that employers want new employees to sign things like do-not-compete agreements and transfers of intellectual property rights,
  • Helping entrepreneurs convert opportunities into binding written agreements that protect clients without souring potential deals
  • Explaining all of the legalese in an impenetrable document before they sign the contract
  • Helping small businesses resolve potential problems before they become large legal disputes.

  • Stu helped these small clients avoid potential misunderstandings and spot prospective issues quickly and efficiently. If you are concerned about a legal matter, call Stu. The first phone consultation is usually complimentary.

Get the answers to all your questions

Get the answers to all your questions

While you may be eager to start your own company, you may also feel overwhelmed with everything you need to do. You may also have a lot of questions, such as:

  • How can you inexpensively organize a business as an LLC?
  • What does all the legalese in the contract I just signed actually mean?
  • How should I deal with a potentially troublesome dispute that just came up?
  • How do I convert my relationship with a new customer, vendor or partner into a binding written agreement without botching the deal?

You need advice from a skilled lawyer. With Stu's help you can clear up any misunderstandings, get your LLC, develop contracts that work, and spot prospective issues.

Visit The Bassin Law Firm today to get your LLC or draft your business contract in Washington, D.C.